Mar 29, 2017
The Marc Jeffrey Podcast Show is dedicated to the average, happy go lucky persons out there, who enjoy interviews, advice in life and top unsigned music.
The aim of this podcast is to cheer you up when your feeling down :(
Take the stress out of your lives and hopefully ( if i can) throw in some life management skills...
Mar 23, 2017
The Marc Jeffrey Podcast Show is dedicated to the average, happy go lucky person, who enjoys interviews, advice in life ans music along the way.
My aim in this podcast is to cheer you up when your feeling down, take the stress out of your life and hopefully (if i can) give you some life management along the way.
Mar 16, 2017
The Marc Jeffrey Podcast show is a podcast dedicated to the average happy go lucky person who enjoys interviews, advice in life and music.
My aim is to cheer you up, take the stress out of your life and hopefully (if i can) give you some advice in life management along the way.
Each week i talk about the comings...
Mar 9, 2017
Take a look into my life, comings and goings that may interest you and possibly influence your life.
Each week i bring you debatable topics, Local, National, International.
I will also be talking to a variety of people and play you music from unsigned artists.
Episode 5 links:
Mar 3, 2017
Take a look into my life, comings and goings that may interest you and possibly influence your life.
Each week i bring you debatable topics, Local, National, International,
I will also be talking to a variety of people and play you music from up and coming unsigned artists.
This episode we talk about Ghosts, have you...